Vampire knight destiny episode 1
Vampire knight destiny episode 1

With a few minor exceptions all the countries are male and while there is nothing overtly sexual going on between them viewers could be excused for thinking their friendships could have gone that way. Some times the change in times can be a little confusing but there are usually historical notes explaining if a new story line is beginning.

vampire knight destiny episode 1

After the first episode I didn't think I'd bother with the rest but after a few months returned to the series and watched the second episode which got me hooked. While most of the stories take part in this time period we also see Italy's childhood with his friend Holy Rome, England finding a young America and even an appearance by poor unrecognised Sealand. Meanwhile another group of countries, including America, England, France, China, Russia and Canada are getting together to fight against them this gives Italy plenty of opportunity it wave his white flag.

vampire knight destiny episode 1 vampire knight destiny episode 1

This series of short episodes where each character represents a country and national stereotypes are to the fore could easily have caused offence but for the most part managed to avoid that by making all of the characters likable although it might seem that way to me because the worst thing said about my country was that it can't cook! Most early episodes follow poor cowardly Italy as he tries to befriend Germany, they are later joined by Japan.

Vampire knight destiny episode 1